These lenses are similar to conventional soft lenses except that they are replaced more frequently. Oftentimes, they are worn for one-month periods and then replaced. Other frequent replacement soft lens types are worn two to three months before they are replaced. Like conventional soft lenses, they have to be cleaned and stored at night and cleaned once a week with an enzymatic cleaner to remove protein deposits.


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Vision Specialists of Idaho PC
4207 Clock Tower Ave Suite 102
Caldwell, Idaho 83607

Phone: (208) 510-5150
Fax: (208) 510-6060

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10 Eye-Opening Eye Facts

by Vision Specialists of Idaho PC

1. Vision is so important to humans that almost half of your brain’s capacity is dedicated to visual perception.

2. The most active muscles in your body are the muscles that move your eyes.

3. The surface tissue of your cornea (the epithelium) is...

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